Vol. 35, issue 06, article # 13

Arkhipov V. A., Basalaev S. A., Gol’din V. D., Perfilieva K. G., Usanina A. S. Method for studying the effect of the gas injection from the surface of a solid sphere on the drag coefficient. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 06. P. 510–514. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220613 [in Russian].
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Method for studying the effect of the mass flow from the particle surface on the drag coefficient in a wide range of Reynolds numbers is suggested. For this, two experimental setups have been developed and used for the study of the effect of air injection from the surface of a solid perforated sphere on the drag coefficient at various values of the velocity of injection flow in the range of Reynolds numbers of the airflow around a particle from 133 to 9900. It is shown that the drag coefficient of the particle decreases with an increase in the velocity of the gas injected from the surface of a solid spherical particle. The empirical equation for calculating the drag coefficient of a solid sphere in the self-similar regime depending on the ratio of the gas injection velocity and the airflow velocity has been derived from the regression analysis.


solid sphere, gas injection, drag coefficient, Reynolds number, transitional flow regime, self-similar flow regime, experimental study


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