Vol. 35, issue 06, article # 3

Sakerin S. M., Kruglinsky I. A., Kabanov D. M., Kalashnikova D. A., Kravchishina M. D., Makarov V. I., Popova S. A., Pochyufarov A. O., Simonova G. V., Turchinovich Yu. S., Darin F. A. Spatiotemporal variations in atmospheric aerosol characteristics over the Kara, Barents, Norwegian, and Greenland Seas (2018-2021 expeditions). // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 06. P. 447–455. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220603 [in Russian].
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We discuss the results from measurements of aerosol physicochemical characteristics in summer 2021 in the Greenland-Kara sector of the Arctic Ocean (83rd and 84th cruises of RV “Akademik Mstislav Keldysh”). The studied characteristics included: the aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere, the aerosol and black carbon concentrations, as well as the chemical composition of aerosol samples, i.e., the concentrations of main elements, the concentrations of organic and elemental carbon, and the isotopic composition of carbon. For the most aerosol characteristics we noted lower average values as compared to the three preceding expeditions. Data from five expeditions are used to estimate the differences in the aerosol and black carbon concentrations among the Kara, Barents, Norwegian, and Greenland Seas.


atmosphere over the ocean, aerosol, black carbon, elemental and organic carbon, elemental and isotopic composition


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