The long-term temporal variability of the microstructural characteristics of aerosol in the surface air layer, measured in the monitoring mode at the aerosol station of IAO SB RAS in 2000–2020, is analyzed. Estimates are made on the basis of the concentrations of submicron (Nf) and coarse (Nc) particles and their ratio Nf/Nc. Two data arrays are considered: “full” and for the “background” aerosol weather type. The range of variations in the annual average values of the total concentration of particles N(r > 0.2 mm) is found to be 8–50 cm-3, and for background situations, 5–30 cm-3. No reliable long-term trends in the characteristics under study are revealed. Spectral analysis of the monthly average concentrations for the “background” array shows the presence of a significant (with a probability of 0,95) time period of about a year for Nf/Nc and Nf and its absence for Nc.
submicron and coarse atmospheric aerosol, temporal variability, background aerosol, Western Siberia
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