Vol. 35, issue 07, article # 7

Eliseev A. V., Timazhev A. V., Jimenez P. L. Scale heights of water vapor and sulfur species in the lower troposphere. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 07. P. 572–580. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220707 [in Russian].
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A global analysis of geographical features of vertical profiles of specific humidity and concentrations of sulfur dioxide and sulfate aerosols from the CAMS reanalysis data, as well as height of planetary boundary layer (PBL) from the ERA5 reanalysis data for 2003–2020 is carried out. The scale height HY is used as a characteristic of the mentioned profiles, which corresponds to the e-fold decrease in the substance Y concentration. The maxima of the height of the upper boundary of the planetary boundary layer are noted in the regions of prevailing cyclonic circulation – in storm tracks and in the regions of monsoon circulation in summer. For the vertical scale of the specific humidity profile, minima are identified in the regions of subtropical circulation with prevailing large-scale sinking of air. The vertical scale of the SO2 concentration profile is characterized by spatial minima associated with the oxidation of this substance. Finally, for HSO4 a spatial minimum near Southeast Asia is found. A statistically significant negative correlation between the PBL thickness and the vertical scale of the profile of specific humidity in humid regions of the tropics is revealed. A positive correlation between the vertical scales of the concentrations of sulfur dioxide and sulfates, most significantly manifested in the regions of strong pollution of the lower troposphere by these substances, is also obtained.


sulfur dioxide, sulfates, specific humidity, vertical scale, planetary boundary layer, correlation relationships


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