Vol. 35, issue 08, article # 7

Shul’ga T. Ya., Verzhevskaiia L. V., Medvedeva A. V., Svishcheva I. A. Assessment of the distribution of suspended matter according to bio-optical indices, taking into account the influence of hydrometeorological factors in the coastal zone of the Crimea. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 08. P. 638–644. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220807 [in Russian].
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The study shows a possibility of practical application of remote sensing data for digital marking and determination of the areas with a high content of suspended matter in sea coastal waters. Using the example of the region at the southwestern coast of Crimea, the relationship between seasonal and domestic winds and cases of increased suspended matter content is shown based on data of high- and medium-resolution optical satellite sensors in 2017–2019. The contribution of continental runoff depends on season; it is weaker compared to the action of the wind. The approach suggested can be useful for prompt mapping of the dynamics of suspended matter based on satellite observations from several sources.


remote sensing data, water pollution, regional atmospheric reanalysis, bio-optical index, suspended matter, Black Sea, Crimea


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