Vol. 35, issue 09, article # 1

Minin I. V., Song Zhou ., Minin O. V. Superresonance effect in a mesoscale sphere with a low refractive index. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 09. P. 697–703. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220901 [in Russian].
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The results of numerical simulation based on the Mie theory of the superresonance effect in a dielectric sphere with a low refractive index are presented. Water was used as the material of the mesoscale sphere. It is shown that not only the previously studied weakly dissipative mesoscale spheres made of a material with “medium” (~ 1.5) and high (> 2) refractive indices, but also with a low one (~ 1.3) support the high-order Fano resonance effect associated with internal Mie modes. In this case, the intensities of resonant peaks for both magnetic and electric fields can attain extremely high values on the order of 106–107 in the vicinity of the poles of a water droplet with a Mie size parameter of ~ 70.


Mie theory, high-order Fano resonance, mesoscale spherical particle, extreme high electromagnetic fields


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