Vol. 5, issue 04, article # 8

pdf Kolosov V. V., Kuznetsov M. F., Sysoev S. I. Minimizing the angular divergence of a partially coherent beam propagating along a vertical atmospheric path. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 04. P. 259-261.
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The possibility of optimizing the energy transfer of a laser beam propagating along a vertical path through the atmosphere to the far–diffraction zone is analyzed.
On the basis of numerical calculations according to the small–angle radiative transfer equation performed for a wide range of beam energy parameters including the beam focusing along the two perpendicular axes, the range of values of these parameters is identified which provides for the optimal radiation transfer. The use of this approach and the obtained results enables one to assess the potential possibilities of real laser systems intended to transfer the energy through the atmosphere.