Vol. 28, issue 05, article # 9

Rodimova O. B. Spectral line shape and absorption in atmospheric windows. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 05. P. 460-473. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150509 [in Russian].
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The basic concepts of the spectral line shape theory are outlined, which are essential for understanding the physical pattern of the absorption process at frequencies far from the line centers and characterize the theory as the independent part of spectroscopy. A relatively simple analytical expression for the line shape at large frequency detunings, including parameters of the classical and quantum intermolecular interaction potentials, gives a possibility to describe the spectral and temperature behavior of the absorption in band wings of different gases. It is shown that the general approach to the line shape problem underlying the asymptotical line wing theory enables the opportunity to represent the parameters, which were interpreted till now only from the viewpoint of the dimer hypothesis.


line wing theory, nonresonance absorption, intermolecular interaction potential, continuum absorption


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