The investigation in spatiotemporal variability of ocean–atmosphere heat fluxes in the area of the Barents Sea was carried out over the period 1976–2014. Seasonal changes in the sea ice cover in the Arctic sector of Siberia was also derived. Sea ice area reduction during last decades in the Arctic basin corresponds to sea surface temperature increase, in contrast to which sensible and latent heat fluxes decrease, which was the most pronounced in January. The most intensive changes in ocean–atmosphere heat exchange in the sea under study were indicated during last several years. In the beginning of XXI century, in winter season, advection from the Barents Sea took place mainly through its east border, and advection to West Siberia, through its north border (1%). However, the contribution of advection to the air temperature and humidity in the region increased over last years. It is supposed, that, first of all, the weakening of heat and moisture advection to West Siberia from its south border played an important role in winter cooling here. The influence of the Barents Sea on heat fluxes changes was indirectly shown through large-scale circulation variability over the adjacent territories, as a consequence of intensified heat exchange due to the increase in the open sea area.
heat fluxes, sea surface temperature, air temperature, advection, the Barents Sea, West Siberia
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