Vol. 32, issue 07, article # 3

Ostrikov V. N., Plakhotnikov O. V., Kirienko A. V. Estimation of the spectral resolution of an imaging spectrometer from Fraunhofer's lines with the MODTRAN atmospheric model. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 07. P. 519–524. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190703 [in Russian].
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The method for estimation of spectral resolution of video spectrometers on separate sections of the sensitivity scale by comparison of experimental survey results with model (calculated for the same observation conditions) Fraunhofer’s lines from a set of preset values is suggested. It is shown that both for mass-produced spectroradiometric devices and for original video spectral devices, the maximum errors of estimation by the method suggested are within 0.5 nm at the considered test lines 700 and 587 nm.


spectral resolution, spectroradiometer, hyperspectral, an imaging spectrometer, an atmospheric model MODTRAN


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