Vol. 22, issue 12, article # 1

Belov V. V. Optical transfer functions of external channels and image isoplanarity in vision systems. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 12. P. 1101-1107 [in Russian].
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Some aspects of application of the linear systems approach and method of the Green's functions to the theory of vision in scattering media are refined. Physical meaning of the influence function and optical transfer function of scattering media and vision systems are discussed. It is stated that the physical meaning of concepts of the optical transfer function and impulse response (point spread function or influence function) of scattering media or channel of image formation in the scattering media is uncertain if the reflection (radiation) properties of the object plane (surface) are undetermined. The main differences between the linear systems characteristics for optical imaging and vision systems are emphasized. A criterion for estimating the dimensions of peripheral image isoplanarity zones for vision systems is suggested.


theory of vision, image isoplanarity zones, Green's functions