Vol. 27, issue 05, article # 12

Azbukin A. A., Kalchikhin V. V., Kobzev A. A., Korolkov V. A., Tikhomirov A. A. Determination of optoelectronic precipitation gauge calibration characteristics. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 05. P. 449-455 [in Russian].
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The main characteristics of the optoelectronic dual-channel precipitation gauge optical channels are presented, as well as the results of laboratory experiments and preliminary field tests. The procedure for determining the calibration characteristics using 5 mm steel balls is proposed, it allows minimizing the error due to imperfections in the device optical system. The results of fluid volume measurements show that the precipitation measurement error in the laboratory does not exceed 5%. Preliminary results of field measurements are presented in the form of precipitation particle size distributions, intensity changes, and calculated precipitation sums.


optical precipitation gauge, calibration, drop size


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